The apartments are located in ‘Ramla’, directly on the Nile on the West Bank of Luxor, a quiet location that consists mainly of holiday apartments. You can enjoy fantastic views of the Nile, Luxor City and Luxor Temple.
Malkata House is a beautiful dome style villa on the West Bank of Luxor, on the edge of the desert near the temple of Medinat Habu and the Malkata Palace of Amenhotep III, from the roof terrace you can see the Valley of the Queens.
The apartments are located in ‘Ramla’, directly on the Nile on the West Bank of Luxor, a quiet location that consists mainly of holiday apartments. You can enjoy fantastic views of the Nile, Luxor City and Luxor Temple.
Malkata House is a beautiful dome style villa on the West Bank of Luxor, on the edge of the desert near the temple of Medinat Habu and the Malkata Palace of Amenhotep III, from the roof terrace you can see the Valley of the Queens.
Travel Tour comes with two types of online payment.
1. Paypal
2. Credit Card (Via Stripe gateway)
After payment processed, the system will automatically reserve your seat and the invoice will be generated in customer backend. Both customer and admin can see the transaction as ‘online paid’ from backend and the transaction id will appear in there.
To use this feature, site’s admin must allow the offline payment method eg. bank transfer. The bank information can be added in email template in theme option so customer will receive the bank information along with email notification after booking. If admin doesn’t allow this method, admin can disable the ‘Book and paylater’ button from theme option.
When customer clicks on ‘Book and pay later’ button, the transaction will be appeared in both admin and customer backend as ‘pending’ status. After this state, customer can choose to pay online or pay offline.
After clicking on the ‘Book and pay later’ button, customer will be able to see the transaction in the backend. There’re two buttons, Submit Payment Receipt and Make An Online Payment.
For Make An Online Payment, customer can perform an online payment via Paypal and Credit Card.
This button allows customers to submit payment receipt after they proceed the bank transfer.
Now admin will be able to verify the receipt via admin’s backend. Admin will have option to approve or reject the receipt submission. After approving or rejecting, the system will send email notification to customer.
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©️ 2023 All Right Reserved By Nile Tours. Made With ❤️ By Digi Grows LLC.